Royal College of Nursing

We are undertaking some work with the Royal College of Nursing Wales to assess the experience of patients and carers in respect of nurse staffing levels. This is linked to the Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Act which became law in 2016.

Safe Staffing Levels of Nurses In Hospitals
By law, Health Boards must provide sufficient nurses to allow time to care for patients sensitively in certain hospital settings. This law protects patients; for example, by reducing the length of in-patient stays by reducing trips, slips and falls; reducing infection and sores; and reducing mortality. 

The Royal College of Nursing Wales wants to work with the Welsh Government to ensure the guidance for implementing the law is comprehensive, clear and achieves the aims of the Act.

Lefelau Staffio Diogel o Nyrsys mewn ysbytai 
Yn ôl y gyfraith, mae rhaid i Fyrddau Iechyd ddarparu digon o nyrsys i ganiatáu amser i ofalu am gleifion mewn modd sensitif.
Bydd y ddeddf hon yn gwarchod cleifion, er enghraifft trwy fyrhau arosiadau cleifion mewnol trwy leihau achosion o faglu, llithro a chwympo; lleihau heintiadau a doluriau; a lleihau marwolaethau.

Y ddeddf hanesyddol hon yng Nghymru yw’r gyntaf o’I math yn y DU. Bu deddfau blaenorol tebyg yn rhyngwladol yn llwyddiannus o ran lleihau nifer marwolaethau ymhlith cleifion.

Mae Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol Cymru yn dymuno gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod y canllawiau ar gyfer rhoi’r gyfraith ar waith yn gynhwysfawr, yn eglur ac yn cyflawni nodau’r Ddeddf.


Have you, or someone you have cared for, been in hospital (as an in-patient) in Wales in 2018 or 2019?

We would be delighted to hear your views both through an anonymous survey and through a telephone interview


The link to the survey is here

The survey is confidential

Mae’r arolwg hwn yn un cwbl gyfrinachol.

Telephone call

if you would be happy to talk to us – confidentially – about your experiences please get in touch by ringing 02920 397 341 or emailing [email protected]

Thank you for your help

Richard Newton

Richard Newton Consulting

[email protected]

029 2039 7341