Evaluation and Impact Measurement

We recognise how essential it is for not-for-profit organisations to measure their impact and evidence to this to donors using this as a tool for quality assurance. Our team has significant experience in developing impact frameworks and evaluating success. This often requires a blend of desk-based research, user surveys, focus groups and structured conversations. We frequently benchmark work and ensure that operational work is measured against policy priorities which resonate with decision-makers regionally, nationally and internationally.
Recent assignments include –
- A study of patient views for a review of safe staffing levels for the Royal College of Nursing Wales
- A study of the impact of Wales Council for Voluntary Action
- An evaluation of a British Council funded project, in partnership with the American University of Beirut, to capture the intangible cultural heritage of the Palestinian Refugee community in Lebanon
- An evaluation of a National Lottery Community Fund project, delivered by EYST, to build the capacity of small BAME led organisations in Wales
- An impact measurement tool for Voices from Care Cymru
Their service has been invaluable to us.Vicky Williams
We are experienced in delivering a range of projects including –
- Feasibility Studies
- Project Implementation
- Audience Development
- Conferences
- Fundraising Events
- Evaluation Reports
- Consultations and Project Development